Design & Dine Desert Retreat

Design and Dine - Desert Retreat
Since our first launch in May 2021, we are so excited to announce that our Desert Retreat is back! Both of our retreats sold out within 24 hours! How crazy is that?! This is a perfect opportunity to get away and spend time exploring your body, mind, and spirit. It is a great way for you to explore yourself by spending some quality time with nature and getting involved with group activities like meditation sessions and workshops.
Soak up the sun, enjoy a luxurious stay, meet loads of new amazing friends, enjoy delicious food & drinks, and take pleasure in a spectacular experience and benefit from the below activities!
Design & Dine – Mindful Painting Evening Brunch
Morning Yoga & Meditation with Aoife McHugh Health
Self-development Workshop with The Nova Coach
Self-Development Workshop with Nova Coach
Journalling for Wellness Workshop with Aoife McHugh Health

We can’t wait for you to join us for this immersive experience!